Monthly Archives - August 2020

ABB Lightning Protection System

Lightning is a natural phenomena nowadays in Bangladesh Lightning and its damages is increasing day by day. To protect the structure against lightning strike we need to install Lightning Protection System (LPS). It is designed for not only protect the structure but also minimize the life risk due to lightning strike. ABB Lightning Protection System is the other name of Early Streamer Lightning Protection System. For the Early Streamer Emission Lightning Protection we are offering the top brand ABB. [...]


ESE Lightning Protection System

Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminal advanced lightning protection system. In this system the air terminal triggers the continuous upward leader before any other object within its radius of protection. This feature is referred to in the regulations as the advance time of an ESE air terminal (ΔT). The earlier the upward leader is triggered, the larger is the distance where the downward leader is intercepted, thus protecting a greater area against lightning (standards limit it to ΔT≤60 μs). It is [...]


Lightning Protection System in Bangladesh.

What is Lightning? Before we talk about Lightning Protection System, we need to know what is lightning. In the first place Lightning is one of nature’s mostpowerful and destructive phenomena. Lightning strike present a real and significant threat to life, to the structures, and to the electronic systems. To comprehend this electrifying spectacle, we must first define lightning in its elemental form. Lightning is the result of the buildup and release of electrical energy within a thundercloud. As the storm [...]