NFPA 780

IEC 62305 Conventional LPS

Ensure The Lightning Safety.

How to ensure the lightning safety?

Lightning safety doesn't mean that you install a lightning air terminal and make a path by conducting metal to the ground. Installation of Lightning Protection System (such as Air-terminal, conductors & ground) on structures only protect the direct lightning. Ensuring the complete lightning safety involves a combination of preparedness, protective...

Lightning Protection System

What is Lightning Protection System

What is Lightning Protection System

A lightning protection system is a designed set of components and equipment installed on top of the building or roof of the structure to protect it from the potentially destructive effects of lightning strikes. The main function of a lightning protection system (LPS) is to ensure a  safe and low-resistance path...

Lightning Protection Service

Conventional Lightning Protection System

The conventional lightning protection system represents a time-tested approach to fortifying structures against the formidable forces of lightning strikes. Comprising a well-coordinated ensemble of components, this system is designed to efficiently intercept, channel, and disperse the powerful electrical currents associated with lightning, minimizing the potential for damage and harm. At the heart of this system are...

তাল গাছ কি বজ্রপাত থেকে রক্ষা করে?

তাল গাছ কি বজ্রপাত রক্ষা করে?

আপনি উত্তরে হ্যাঁ বা না বলতে পারবেন না। এতে কোন সন্দেহ নেই যে অন্য যে কোন লম্বা বস্তুর মত তাল গাছেও বজ্রপাত হতে পারে, তবে এই ধরনের বজ্রপাতের সম্ভাবনা পরিস্থিতির উপর নির্ভর করে পরিবর্তিত হয়।  অন্যান্য গাছের তুলনায় তাল গাছ কি বজ্রপাতে আক্রান্ত হবার সম্ভাবনা বেশী কিনা এবং কেন কীভাবে...

Conventional LPS

Conventional LPS

A conventional LPS (lightning protection system) refers to a traditional or standard approach to protecting a building or structure from lightning strikes. It typically consists of a set of components designed to intercept, conduct, and safely dissipate the electrical current of a lightning strike. A lightning protection system is a set of components and equipment that...

Lightning Protection System in Bangladesh.

What is Lightning?

Before we talk about Lightning Protection System, we need to know what is lightning. In the first place Lightning is one of nature’s mostpowerful and destructive phenomena. Lightning strike present a real and significant threat to life, to the structures, and to the electronic systems. To comprehend this electrifying spectacle, we must first...

Various Protection Method

There are various types of protection method for lightning protection systems. The types are differentiate based on design, installation and protection method. Each designed to provide effective protection against lightning strikes by intercepting, conducting, and safely dissipating the electrical discharge. The primary types include:

1. Conventional Lightning Protection System (Franklin Rod System)

Components: Consists of air...